- Spring ’13 Syllabus: 3325syllabusS13
- Read for first week of class: 3325WritingTips
- Read for Jan. 31: Defining Fashion: A Tale of Inscription Sawchuk
- PowerPoint for: Defining Fashion A Tale of Inscription Kim Sawchuk
- Read for Feb. 5: ANoteonGlamour
- PowerPoint for: A Note on Glamour
- Read for Feb. 7: Dream Worlds Dandies Elitist Consumption Williams
- PowerPoints for Dream Worlds Part I and Part II: Dream Worlds Part I of II Dream Worlds Part II of II
- Link to NYTimes ”Queen of Versailles” review:
- Link to NYTimes business story about conspicuous consumption:
- **Video for Feb. 19: “Ringing Registers: Gary Hoover on American Retail”
- Read for Tues Feb. 26: Stanley Marcus Minding the Store Ch 10 11 AND The Patagonia Way
- PowerPoint Patagonia and Minding the Store: Patagonia and Minding the Store
- Read for Thurs. Feb. 28: Personal Fashion Blogs Rocamora
- PowerPoint for Blogs (Rocamora reading): Blogs Rocamora
- Read for Thurs. Feb. 28: 3325FashionBlogs
- Midterm Study Guide: 3325S13midtermreview
- Updated syllabus and schedule: 3325syllabusS13
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- Final exam review: 3325S13finalexamreview
- Best writing practices: 3325WritingTips
- Suhler lecture on Journalism v Public Relations v Advertising (before FD/Luxe visit): TheFashionCommunicators
- Suhler’s tweed PowerPoint:3325tweedpp
- Street Style discussion; Take My Picture video:
- Also know the legal issues and terms from the photo lecture
- The Crinoline Period; The Bustle Period; the Nineties (1850-1900) powerpoint: The Crinoline Period
- The Edwardian Period; World War I powerpoint:3325TheEdwardianPeriodWWI
- The ’20s, ’30s, and World War II powerpoint: 3325The20s30sWorldWarII
- Vogue story about Paul Poiret (’20s, ’30s, World War II lecture): 3325PaulPoiretVogueStory
- The New Look: Fashion Conformity Prevails powerpoint: The New Look
- The ’60s and 70′s powerpoint: 3325The60sand70s
- The ’80, ’90s and 21st century powerpoint: The Eighties, the Nineties,
- ————————————————————————————————
- Reading for March 21: Spinning the Ephemeral PDF
- PowerPoint for the “Spinning the Ephemeral” lecture: Spinning the Ephemeral
- Reading for March 26 is Chapter 9 (pgs. 169-186) in “Producing Fashion,” about the “California Casual” lifestyle.
- PowerPoint for the “California Casual” lecture: Calif. Casual
- Reading for March 28 is Ch. 10 in “Producing Fashion” (pgs. 187-206): “Marlboro Men: Outsider Masculinities and Commercial Modeling in Postwar America.”
- PowerPoint from the Marlboro Men lecture: Marlboro Men
- Here’s the New York Times piece by Hanna Rosin, author of “The End of Men (And the Rise of Women)”, that accompanied our Marlboro Men lecture. Cut and paste into your browser:
- Reading for April 2: Fashion at the edge review and Natural Look 1970s
- PowerPoint from the Natural Look lecture: The Natural Look
- Reading for April 4; Entwistle on Power Dressing; Dressing for Success: Entwistle Power Dressing
- PowerPoint for the Entwistle reading: Power Dressing Joanne Entwistle Also, here is the Willoughby article on “cute” in Japanese uniforms discussed in Power Dressing lecture. It’s the third and final item in the PDF, a book review published in the journal Fashion Theory:Willoughby,KevinT_Writing_Samples
- Reading for April 9; Wilbekin on Hip Hop and Fashion Dress for Excess: Wilbekin Great Asp Hip hop fashion dress and the PowerPoint from the Hip Hop lecture: Hip Hop Fashion Emil Wilbekin
- Reading for April 9: Hebdige on Punk style: Hebdige Style
- PowerPoint from Punk style lecture: Style Hebdige and the LookBook for NicholasK: NK_LOOKBOOK_F12_M
- Reading for April 18: Sophie Woodward on the Myth of Street Style: The Myth of Street Style
- PowerPoint from Street Style lecture: The Myth of Street Style
- Reading for Sept. 25: Read Chapter 1 in “Fashion at the Edge” (Introduction to Cultural Fashion History)
- Here is the PowerPoint for Chapter 1 in “Fashion at the Edge”: Evans Ch. 1 History
- Reading for Oct. 2: Chapter 3 in “Fashion at the Edge” (Spectacle)
- Here is the PowerPoint for Chapter 3 in “Fashion at the Edge”: Evans Ch. 3 Spectacle.
- Reading for Oct. 4: Chapter 4 in “Fashion at the Edge” (Phantasmagoria)
- Here is the PowerPoint for Chapter 4 in “Fashion at the Edge”: Evans Ch. 4 Phantasmagoria