Transition Dress

By Elizabeth Scotti

Right now we are in that awkward time between seasons in Texas when no one knows what to wear.

It’s no longer summer, when we wear light materials and short hemlines to minimize the heat.  And the cooler weather of fall, when we drop our hemlines a few inches and add some sleeves to keep the breeze out, has not yet arrived.

During this period between seasons, it is especially difficult to find that perfect dress.

Finding the perfect transition dress can be tricky. No girl wants to seem out of season.

You know you have a problem if you go to your closet and your choices are either a flower print tank dress made of loose cottons or the knee-length, long-sleeved wool plaid dress you got last winter.

Neither of those options will do for partly cloudy skies with a light breeze, and temperatures reaching a high of 67. Here you will need a dress that’s versatile and easily layered and constructed of material that, like Goldilocks’ ideal porridge, is neither too warm nor too cold.

Well ladies, I have found the dress for you. This season Madewell offers great “transition” dress options in different styles and colors.

Madewell’s striped nightbell dress in dark blue is perfect for class with boots or flats.   As it gets colder, add tights and an overcoat.

For those chilly fall nights, try Madewell’s serenade lace dress with a short jacket over it.

Both options are perfect for this time of year. With the neutral coloring, perfect length and longer sleeves, you are sure to feel confident wearing either one of these looks during our fall/summer season in Texas.

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